Kansas City Musical Club
organized to stimulate, encourage, and acquire a broader knowledge of music and musical literature
2023 Scholarship Winners
Auditions were held Saturday, March 4, 2023, Asbury Methodist Church, Prairie Village, KS
A total of $7,000 was awarded to these talented winners.

Mumin Turgunov, Violin, student of Ben Sayevich, International Center for Music, Park University
Sue Strickler Scholarship

Constantino Lopez, Flute, student of Daniel Velasco, University of Kansas
Don Dagenais Scholarship

Gwendolyn Delaney, Voice, student of Dr. Aiden Soder, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Marilyn Miller Scholarship

Kyoshiro Hirama, Piano, student of Stanislav Iodenich, International Center for Music, Park University
Robert Craig Scholarship

Shenwei Geng, Piano, student of Thomas Rosenkranz, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Kansas City Musical Club Memorial Scholarship
In memory of club members:  
Leona Schaefer, Richard Williams, Dixie Lou Morris, Halide Smith and Anne Nixon

Soobeen Nam, Violin, student of Ben Sayevich, International Center for Music, Park University
Kansas City Musical Club Scholarship

Po-Ling Huang, Violin, student of Benny Kim, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Kansas City Musical Club Scholarship

Valerie Wellington, Piano, student of Alon Goldstein, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Anne Nixon Memorial Encouragement Award

Timothy Rosno, Organ, student of Dr. Lara L. West, Benedictine College
Anne Nixon Memorial Encouragement Award 
Many thanks to the church and its gracious and helpful staff, our paid judges, and the many club member volunteers who supported this event -- REMEMBER we're doing this to guarantee that the creation of fine music continues into the future!
Special KUDOS to Scholarship Chair, Marilyn Miller!!!

Questions?  Call 913-384-5340 or contact chris.evans.hands@gmail.com