Kansas City Musical Club
organized to stimulate, encourage, and acquire a broader knowledge of music and musical literature

The Kansas City Musical Club is a not-for-profit organization -- all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. 

The club was organized in 1899 and incorporated on November 2, 1911.  The group joined with the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) in 1911. 

Music is very important to every member of the club.  Our educations, expertise levels, and appreciations vary -- we are performers, teachers, and listeners.  We are amateurs and professionals from many parts of the Kansas City metropolitan area.  In addition to listening to and performing music, we actively support the future of high quality (often classical) music -- we hold scholarship auditions each spring and award scholarships to music performance students who attend area universities.

We gather on the first Monday of each month between October and May for a board meeting and mid-day concert. Each May we honor someone from the local music community for his/her contribution to our region's cultural arts.

The CLUB'S BYLAWS were last revised and approved on April 8, 2024.

Questions?  Call 913-384-5340 or contact chris.evans.hands@gmail.com